Reviewed on Anjita. Directed by Anurag Basu.
Brings to life Red yellow green blue and every other colour that makes life such a song and dance!
Oooo beta ji... never has a song so utterly charming punctuated a storyline with such effortless lyricism... o Babujiiiii... followed by the naughtiest chuckle known to Bollywood sitting smack on the face of its finest actors #PankajTripathi!
... and the whole thing is that, ke bhaiyya I am in love with #PankajTripathi and this time it’s not just his head nods that have won my heart. That man is a thoroughbred entertainer. I heart Sattu bhaiyya. He is Full Paisa wasool. He is what you call - One piece. No replacement. No second thoughts. One man machine. He carries the whole damn show on his head. Actually, make that the insides of his thigh this time. 

And ooo myyyy gaawd... #rajkumarrao is a genius ... on his way to becoming a legend. If he picks characters of this order and delivers this degree of Mithun level dedication ... he will rule our middle class hearts forever!!!
& That girl #SanyaMalhotra is another discovery in yellow. Ekdum bole toh maassstt!
Did I mention how much I loved the girl who plays the Malyali nurse? #pearlemaaney what a badass ...
also her superior nurse - loved her character ... such a regular dudette in whites.

This is a Diwali bumper and god bless #anuragbasu for making a film to tickle his late father’s funnybone. It is an ode worthy of any talented son. This is an out and out director’s cut. Made of him, for him, by him.

And yes #AbhishekBachchan shines in his avatar. That man does a mean Red. Your heart will melt when he and mini share screen time - their chemistry is very alive and real.
#anuragbasu’s Ludo is now available for streaming on #Netflix. The movie, based on four different stories, which are connected by a thin thread and a delightful timeline is a treat one wants served come every Indian festival, and god knows we have many of those!!!
So Yay for us Indians
happy Diwali people!

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