Photo Courtesy: Bodhayan Roychaudhury
19th December 2015,
Charida village in Bagmundi, Purulia district, is the back of beyond of the back of beyond. The landscape shifts and villages fly past looking clean, and clouds of lotuses bloom in clear ponds as cows graze and chimneys smoke the fresh bricks being toasted in their kilns. The egg devils and aubergine fritters sold by the local kaka babu is unambiguously delicious and ridiculously cheap. The tea sits on stoking hot coals. It's where the vodaphone signal is at its' strongest. It's also where the roads are unendingly smooth...almost eerily pothole-free. Like an autobahn in the middle of a graveyard.
There has been however, for the past 6 decades or so, no known source of employment generated for the men who roam the fields and stare at endless horizons. Surviving on wild roots, leaves and raving antics of the local politicians, their hope for redemption have been these masks. Their loudest claim to avoid ignominy in the face of poverty. It helps keep them and a tribal traditional dance form alive, which very few city dwellers like us will have the time to patronise twice. It is after all, a 7 hour drive on a good day from Calcutta and we are the haloed employed people of this free country.
The artist is ofcourse playing the part of Krishna that evening, battling the demons with Balaram, in order to win back Devlok for the sages and the gods above.This battle he will win...he is scripted to win...even as the journalists from calcutta click away at the many possibilities of making this look any more surreal than it already is. But this battle to survive the poverty that laces every single do you ever win over that? Maybe the photographers can photoshop that part too.
We stop taking pictures. We soak it in. We are spellbound. Every move, every lustfully devotional chant, every gymnastic twirl and sommersault, every brandishing of sword and bow makes for rousing rounds of applause and we too join in, in shameless abandon. This is better than childhood. These people, my people, our people...our poorest of the poor people, are simply incomparable. Their art, their soul, their kindness, their craft, their wide childlike grins, their deft fingers that create these gods and godesses that sell for a few bucks, their rich heritage and poor realities, their brilliant painted faces on stage and their curiously invisible lives...are all so rich. So powerful in its will to live beyond its obvious means.
dance because that’s all they know, They fly because they dream, they
sing because they need to be heard, they smile because they hope; and
once the audience leaves, they get ready again for their next
performance. They paint their faces, wear their wigs, limber their
joints and laugh over a few cups of tea and cigarettes. They will always
keep performing. For life itself is just a rehearsal.
I enjoyed reading this article. You heartfelt commentary on the dichotomy of these lives gave me goose bumps. Your concluding lines struck with me the most. The fact that the artists living in acute poverty still manage to dream and smile and hope. I have realised that only those living on the fringes have the most earnest smiles, larger dreams, and unfaltering hopes. They might have no other option, true, but the opposite of their dire truth is also true. The beauty only they can afford to see lets them live fuller lives. The heart and power to dream is a gift. In fact, privilege reduces ones capacity to live a magical inner life that these artists transcend into completely. Saints and Poets were made that way and anyone with harsh circumstances. I'd like to share with you an instance and I speak only for myself here, once you migrate to a prosperous land the swanky reality of that place seems so fake like you are in a dream. I only realized that I had stopped dreaming only when I visited Mumbai last spring and found myself in a crowded local train dangerously hanging by the door and speeding past the brilliant yellow gulmohars in full bloom. Suddenly, the argumentative second-class stopped existing, the melody of a thousand pan flutes flooded my ears and something I couldn't imagine strolling the picture perfect Santamonica Pier, struck me in the stinking city I was born to romance with. Sure, everything is wrong with me but life is mysteriously beautiful. In doom and boom, wonder and ruin.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing such stirring pieces, makes me want to write at god speed too!
But write you must Sunayna!!! Your comments are poetry...i will wait for your posts with as much eagerness as a child for his ride on a ferris wheel. Godspeed girl!!!
DeleteI am a big fan of your writing style! It makes any content interesting.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing it's intoxicating