Wednesday, November 20, 2019

#FordVFerrari, A review. #imdb IMDb

A review. #imdb IMDb

For some people, like me, going to the movies is usually for reasons that are rather personal. And for me this weekend “Needed” urgent redemption. And so I went alone.

I am a decently huge #christianbale and #Mattdamon follower. Exceptional men with an eclectic career chequered with high points and lows. Added to the mix was the fact that I was a Motörhead for a while before domestic life and breadwinning won my days.

So. #Ford. Not a name we have ever drunk to for speed or sheer love of the machine. Crafted for numbers and sold for those who need to go from point a to point b in one single attempt at the wheel. And Eventually get there.

Pit that against the mad genius that was Enzo. His work, his life, his search for perfection never really ended. His hunt went beyond the wheel and the seat covers lined in fine leather. He wanted his babies to talk to the winds. And god knows the #Ferraris...they did! And yes I am and shall always be a #Schumacher and #AyrtonSenna fan, that being said... let’s race you through this season on what made the life of #kenmiles played by an understated and very delightfully American Christian Bale so unique and eloquent as a story.

Note: At some point it almost hurt when they made the Italian car maker feel almost like the “big bad daddy of car racing”... before you are allowed to identify and admire quietly, his one true love, as his goggled eyes trace his red beasts along the track, even as you watched a margin loving Ford Jr II take off in a fancy chopper for a fancy dinner bang in the middle of #lemans ... now Enzo, this guy owned the sport. It was a touching and deeply historic moment watching Ken and the Italian papa doff their hats to each other in acknowledgment.

Luckily, the film stays true to what history will only underline... without Enzo the race track would have been so so boring, so slow, so lifeless and so lacking in Adrenaline! Becos He be da man.

Bale, I marvel at his choices. His oeuvre is so unpretentious and yet so versatile. He never hesitates to let you know what lies under that Batman suit and those incredibly Dracula teeth. He makes you smile and weep in turns. It’s a story lined by many stories...simple life stories. When fate robs you, redeems you, loves you back and then destroys you. He gets every single turn on this gruelling lap of life perfectly and brings it home. A gentle soul with a very gentle touch with machines. You will fall in love with his #kenmiles.

#JoshLucas take a bow for the mealymouth you managed to be without losing that charming smile that had us all weakkneed back in your prime. You did Leo Beebe to perfection. Without you the bad guy would have stayed so typically monied and blah. You made it personal and that’s what this sport has always been! Too damn personal.

For Matt Damon who lives out the life of one #CarollShelby - best known for his involvement with the AC Cobra and Mustang for Ford Motor Company, he makes this role look easy but it couldn’t have been. To be the man to give up his own passion only to stand by a very difficult friend for life ... battling the Ford way to try and find meaning in the machine. Slow clap. It was done with class and old school style. You can feel his pain. And that’s not the only good thing about this narrative.

The one scene where the movie takes you out of your seat and right behind the wheel, is the spin Matty does for Ford Jr at a speed that only a racer can secure without shitting his pants. That weeping of joy and terror mixed on #TracyLetts face, makes it all too real.

The endurance of the sport tested timelessly at #lemans. The sheer courage it takes to remain on the road when the world fades away, when at 7000 rpm you ask yourself the only question that matters, and this film does. Over and over.

Who are we and what are we here for? One does find this film answering that in layers. Your friendships, your bonds, your affections and your soul. Every single time Ken shares a moment with his son, played by a very UnAmerican unspoilt and adorable #NoahJupe or clangs a beer with his devoted wife the gorgeous #CatrionaBalfe playing Mollie Miles, the point is made. Emphatically.

You are here for redemption and this film is all about finding that through pure love for something you are lucky enough to be good at. Finding purpose in what you do. Because like all things beautiful and trippy this too must come to an end, after 2.5 hours of hard motoring and gear shifting. It ends well. Too Painfully well.

One thanks #JamesMangold and Motörheads like him for loving the skills and the brilliance of Ken Miles enough to honour his dream, his skills, and love for the car, because, left to the industry and it’s two faced middlemen - the man behind the wheel would have met a nameless end, way before his time.