Isn't it amazing how the POtUs went from being a gaunt withered white
haired flagpole who could barely pull his weight in congress to being
this sassy wand wielding, verrrry with
it, white haired Gandalf who has all the answers to Americas problems
just before the marching band strikes the last tune?
He was black and all things puny, and polite...which meant he sucked at
playing super power poker with Putin and not getting Papa Xi's
overtures right. From undermining Pakistan the nuclear pal to missing
India's golden 56 inch wide economic hug.
He didn't know anything this man, who belonged to too many types of people's, including being hussein somewhere too - bang in the middle of his name. I mean how messed up is that for the all whites?!!
Enter last year in office and maah goodness! The man can jive. He can sing and flirt and tease the world economy and foreign policy out of bored punk slumber. He is Beyoncé in the world of hot. He can make Iran smile and UK dance. He knows just how to beat the crap out of the bad boys stuck in the middle of nowhere... Or was it the Middle East? He knows, mah man, he knows how to woo them all.
Go vote he says, cuz Trump ain't got the groove and The Clintons are o so perfect in their white teeth ways and sanitised systems that can control America again. Yes they can. Believe me they will.
Because face it - #BarackObama just knows what America needs. And right now America needs his wife to run for the next term. She nailed it, Mrs O did.
Poor Modi needs to start from scratch with Unca Scrooge. Russia...who knows what Kremlin really thinks anymore except they have the old soviet territories they walk into with tanks and it's ok and Syria never happened. Hell man, who knows what's China up to? I mean Tibet never happened and North Korea is just playing with daddy's new toys. But hey they got to be spying on ya with their fancy tech. Fire up your firewalls peeps.
Isisisisisisisisisis sounds like a rattle snake before it strikes and the US condemns ladies and gentlemen. A few hundred civilians dead in Syria and the US condemns the attacks in France and Germany. Me too. Me too.
So yo, bro. You guys have it all figured out. No fence with the Mexicans and a brand new hug for sexy Mr Canada. All that's cool yo. But, Could you stay on your continent this decade Mr United States? Because you do leave more than just carbon footprints where you go. You leave behind too many dead and maimed and no reporters to tell the story. You go all in. And we love your drones. We do we do.
Don't whine he says. Go vote. And keep the mad hatter out of office this time will ya? Or is that too much to ask of your country Mr Obama?
Oh baby. We will miss you, yes we will. Hit it.
He didn't know anything this man, who belonged to too many types of people's, including being hussein somewhere too - bang in the middle of his name. I mean how messed up is that for the all whites?!!
Enter last year in office and maah goodness! The man can jive. He can sing and flirt and tease the world economy and foreign policy out of bored punk slumber. He is Beyoncé in the world of hot. He can make Iran smile and UK dance. He knows just how to beat the crap out of the bad boys stuck in the middle of nowhere... Or was it the Middle East? He knows, mah man, he knows how to woo them all.
Go vote he says, cuz Trump ain't got the groove and The Clintons are o so perfect in their white teeth ways and sanitised systems that can control America again. Yes they can. Believe me they will.
Because face it - #BarackObama just knows what America needs. And right now America needs his wife to run for the next term. She nailed it, Mrs O did.
Poor Modi needs to start from scratch with Unca Scrooge. Russia...who knows what Kremlin really thinks anymore except they have the old soviet territories they walk into with tanks and it's ok and Syria never happened. Hell man, who knows what's China up to? I mean Tibet never happened and North Korea is just playing with daddy's new toys. But hey they got to be spying on ya with their fancy tech. Fire up your firewalls peeps.
Isisisisisisisisisis sounds like a rattle snake before it strikes and the US condemns ladies and gentlemen. A few hundred civilians dead in Syria and the US condemns the attacks in France and Germany. Me too. Me too.
So yo, bro. You guys have it all figured out. No fence with the Mexicans and a brand new hug for sexy Mr Canada. All that's cool yo. But, Could you stay on your continent this decade Mr United States? Because you do leave more than just carbon footprints where you go. You leave behind too many dead and maimed and no reporters to tell the story. You go all in. And we love your drones. We do we do.
Don't whine he says. Go vote. And keep the mad hatter out of office this time will ya? Or is that too much to ask of your country Mr Obama?
Oh baby. We will miss you, yes we will. Hit it.